Watch this Video of St. Therese Columbarium

St. Thérèse Columbarium, a comfort from life's thorns.

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Three (3) Years to Pay at 0% Interest

Telephone: (02) 515-0238
Mobile No.: (0917) 5555-823



"...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." - Genesis 3:19 (KJV)

Whether we like it or not, we shall return to our original form...dust. It's certain. It's irrefutable. It's the law of God's universe. The only question about it is "when" this is going to happen: To you or worse, to a loved one.

When the inevitable happens, your spirit is crushed. But to most of us, it's not only our heart that bleeds. Our finances are also challenged due to the escalating costs of memorial services.

In all things, preparation is always the key. You start saving for your planned engagement or wedding. You prepare again for the coming birth of your first child. You send your children to school to prepare them for the real world either as an employee or a businessman. In all these activities, preparation is the key. And another thing that's common to them is the fact that you invest your resources (time and money).

No time is too early to prepare for the inevitable. Age is something that cannot be stopped. Worse, accidents can happen. And when the unexpected and inescapable happens, sooner or later, the painful part begins.

Be prepare for the inevitable by insuring the technical requirements of the memorial services.

The St. Thérèse Columbarium, the first of its kind in the Philippines, is a breath of fresh air to those who seek peace and privacy in the comfort of family and friends. The Columbarium is an elegant, practical and most ideal sanctuary for the interment of the ashes or bones of your departed loved ones. Own / Invest in a vault now and get comfort from life's thorns.

St. Thérèse Columbarium, a comfort from life's thorns.

Contact Me Today and Get Your Own Niche...

Three (3) Years to Pay at 0% Interest

Telephone: (02) 515-0238
Mobile No.: (0917) 5555-823


Shrine of St. Therese of the Child Jesus... the most ideal sanctuary for our dearly departed. A solemn and inspiring refuge for the faithful...and a comforting sanctuary for the bereaved.

Main Features:
* Air-conditioned and Al Fresco vaults
* A single vault can accomodate 4 urns
* Remembering Chapel - La Chapelle des Roses with a seating capacity of 170 seats where daily masses and novenas are held
* Two (2) wake chapels
* Virtual Video Library - La Bibliotheque des Memoirs to store images and videos of your loved ones that can be viewed whenever desired
* Security access card to ensure safety and privacy
* Perpetual Maintenance Trust Fund - no monthly maintenance fees

Contact Me Today and Get Your Own Niche...

Three (3) Years to Pay at 0% Interest

Telephone: (02) 515-0238
Mobile No.: (0928) 507-4655



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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shrine of St. Therese of the Child Jesus

The Shrine of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus is built on a sprawling 6,244 sq. meter property. Designed with strong Mediterranean influences, the shrine can seat up to 2,000 people. It will be integrated with full audio and video capability. Within the Shrine will be an Adoration Chapel, a Crying Room, and a Columbarium among others. It will also house the primary relic of the Saint.

The National Shrine of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus is developed by Magnificat Ventures Corporation and owned by the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines.


St. Thérèse Columbarium

Contact Me Today and Get Your Own Niche...
Three (3) Years to Pay at 0% Interest
Telephone: (02) 515-0238
Mobile No.: (0928) 507-4655